Connecting the string of interests

Who Am I?

Just about every single person, no matter who he/she is, does not know fully who they are for awhile. You would think that figuring out who the person you wake up as every day is would be simple or self-explanatory, but there are a multitude of factors that can make up how a person defines themselves. An aspect of discovering your true self that is always required is time. Without time, one cannot experience the ups and downs of life that slowly shape him/her into the unique character that he/she is destined to become.

Self Analysis 

In order to figure out a collective group of words that I feel does justice to my whole person I must first reflect on my journey through life, what I've succeeded in and what I've failed to do. I think this step is especially critical for me because I have been blessed to be interested in a variety of things and have success in most of those areas. Firstly, I would say that my top three personal strengths are organization, self-discipline, and work ethic. Next, I would say my top three talents are being proficient in technology in almost all aspects, writing, and my ability to problem solve. My core area of expertise is somewhat the connection of all the things I previously mentioned: communication through a variety of mediums. I am not quite sure what my target audience would be other than employers who can benefit from my services, but I would say that this area requires more time and experience in my field to fully figure out. 

Summing Myself Up

Now that I have reflected on my talents and who I am as a person I think I am ready to string together my interests into a coherent sentence:

Getting the message to your audience no matter the medium in an organized and timely manner. 

The Walk Behind the Talk

It is one thing to just talk about what you are good at or what you think are your most important skills, but nothing quite tells the story like experience. I also think that my work more accurately reflects who I am rather than just a sentence. The Instagram account for Erace The Hate is one way to see who I am through what I stand for and also how I can communicate a message through a variety of different mediums. Another social media account that I manage is Creighton University's Panhellenic Council, which shows my diversity in communication and style. 


  1. You bring up some excellent points here, Dannah. I agree that it is difficult to know who you are and that it does take time. It would be so much easier to just wake up one day and suddenly know who you are. I'll also say that I do like your self analysis. I took a different approach to my blog, but I like how you were able to use your talents and your strengths to describe what you're good at as your sentence. I find it difficult to take my talents and use them to describe myself, but I think you were spot on with yours. Finally, I thought that was clever how you brought in your examples of social media accounts you manage. You implemented "show don't tell" very well. Nice job!
    P.S. I love the photo

  2. I absolutely adore how your sentence is concise and to the point! Plus the idea of using subheadings in bold text really lets the reader follow the journey towards you arriving at your sentence! Good work!

  3. I really like how structured this post is. It makes reading this so much easier. I feel like your sentence feels more like a mission statement from a company, although it accomplishes the goal of the assignment.


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